True Buddha Dharma Factually Manifests Realization Power, False Buddha Dharma is all about Empty Talks of Theories

True Buddha Dharma
Elderly Holy Guru Kaichu Jiaozun who is almost 90 years old lifted a 200-pound Vajra Pestle from the ground and held it for seven seconds before placing it onto the Platform.

True Buddha Dharma
Three of the fingers of Kaichu Jiaozun was deformed from an old injury of broken bones. He lifted the 200-pound Vajra Pestle with this crippled hand.

        February 9, 2020 (Los Angeles) In the Great Hall of Shakyamuni Buddha at the Holy Miracles Temple, a Dharma assembly about the true realization power of Buddha Dharma was held: The Exam of Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform. The purpose of this exam is to evaluate and distinguish the actual realization power among cultivators who learn from Buddha to cultivate themselves based on the degree of change in the physique and structure of their bodies. Unexpectedly, this Exam inadvertently required the involvement of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III who could not refuse the request to resolve a difficult situation.

        What is meant by Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform? Vajra pestles are commonly found in shops selling cultural relics and antiques. The weight of these pestles ranges from several dozens of jins to 400 jins (a weight of 400 jins is equivalent to approximately 440 pounds). The particular kind of huge pestle is from Tibet, they are called Platform Pestles. They come in different styles such as the Phurba pestle, Five-pronged pestle, Nine-pronged pestle, Kalachakra Vajra pestle, Yamantaka Vajra pestle, Guhyasamâja Vajra pestle, and more. Some Platform Pestles were made during the Illusive Mind Era of the Early Propagation Period. Some Platform Pestles were made based on the correct standard system restructured by Guru Padmasambhava during the Later Propagation Period. People commonly regard these as artworks. Rarely do people know that the pestles were in fact used for directly testing practitioners’ realization power in ancient time to see whether they were practicing true or false Buddha Dharma. Those who were tested were required to lift the vajra pestle off the ground, hold it for a required duration of time and then place the pestle onto the platform. This kind of test is called Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform.

        Proven by real practice, using one hand to lift a Platform Pestle is extremely difficult. A person who can lift 1,000 jins (approximately 1,100 pounds) with two hands may not even lift 300 jins (approximately 330 pounds) off the ground with one hand. According to the Dharma rules, each person has a weight standard that one has to reach based on one’s respective age and body weight. One who reaches their standard is called a Healthy Physique Man. Exceeding the level of Healthy Physique Man means surpassing the standard. Being below the level of Healthy Physique Man is subpar. There are altogether 30 levels above and five levels below the standard level.

        Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform is the most scientific testing method for verifying whether a person is of an ordinary physical body or possesses the composition of a holy person. The physical composition and physique of a holy person is completely different from that of an ordinary person. Both have the appearance of a person. However, their inner properties are completely different. This is just like a pigeon and an eagle. They both have the same appearance of a bird, but their inner properties and their strength are vastly different. Such differences naturally exist. A professional strong man trains himself every day, and only after 10 or up to 20 years can he become a strong man of exceptionally strong physique. However, his physique is strengthened due to cumulative practices and is still within the same type. The fundamental nature of his physique has not changed. He is unable to transform his physique or functional capabilities of an ordinary person, and cannot turn from the ordinary to become holy. A holy one who has learned and practiced true Buddha Dharma can surpass by far the physique and strength of a strong man of great strength.

        An elementary level Holy Guru can surpass their weight standard by 12 to 19 levels. Surpassing by 20-25 levels is a mid-level Holy Guru and surpassing by 26 to 29 levels is a Great Holy Guru. Achieving or surpassing the maximum level of 30 means one is a Tremendously Great Holy Guru and a Vajra King of Great Strength. Normally, it is very difficult for an ordinary man of good strength to surpass two to three levels. A national level strong man can surpass up to nine levels. A world-class strong man can surpass 10 levels, but not beyond that. The holy strength generated by a holy person’s body of holy physique and structure is absolutely not something anyone with the physique of an ordinary person can hope to attain. This is especially true for lifting the Hall Guarding Vajra Pestle “onto the golden step,” or “off the holy seat.” Lifting the weight of such a level will cause the bones, tendons, and muscles of an ordinary person to break or crack and the joints to break apart. One must have the physique and strength of a Tremendously Great Holy Guru in order to lift the Hall Guarding Vajra Pestle. We have personally seen the strongest man in Asia Long Wu performing Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform. Although he broke his fingers and bled while doing so, he did eventually surpass 10 levels and was awarded the golden belt of Grand Master of Strength, World’s Strongest Man for Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform. That was very remarkable.

        On February 9, there was a huge vajra pestle of 420 pounds inside the Hall of Shakyamuni Buddha at the Holy Miracles Temple, which was placed on the golden step during a Dharma Assembly held two days earlier by Holy Gurus. Other than Tremendously Great Holy Gurus, no one in this world has ever been able to lift it one bit. Since the Hall Guarding Vajra Pestle had already been placed onto the golden step, the Exam of Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform could not begin. This was because according to the Dharma rules, when this Pestle is on the golden step, the Vajra Hook cannot be used to lift the Pestle. Otherwise, it is against the rules. Everyone was very worried and all those who have good physical strength came forward to try to bring this huge Pestle off the golden step, but no one was able to lift that Pestle off the holy seat with one hand. They used their utmost effort to lift this Pestle off the golden step, but the Pestle did not move one bit. The Dharma Assembly could not proceed. It happened that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III had accepted a respectful request to make His presence at this Dharma Assembly to observe the proceedings. Everyone then beseeched H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to resolve this difficult situation.

        H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha said: “From the beginning, I have disagreed with your conducting this exam. After all this time, all those who are tested are still ordinary people. How many of them are elementary level Holy Gurus? If not a holy person, it is impossible to surpass more than 10 levels! Let whoever put this pestle onto the gold step take it down.” The Dharma masters said that it was placed up there by a holy monk. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said: “This is absolutely a mischief. Isn’t this a deliberate intention to make things difficult? He clearly knew that you have to take the Exam today, yet He deliberately set up such a difficult barrier here! Let Him take it down!” The Dharma masters said that this Holy Monk had already left yesterday to propagate Dharma in another state. Reluctantly, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III ascended to the Dharma platform and said: “I did not come to take part in your activities here to lift the pestle, I am just helping you. I will give it a try. I don’t know yet whether I am able to help you lift the pestle.”

        After saying that, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III went in front of the Hall Guarding Vajra Pestle, and lifted the Vajra Pestle off the floor with one hand. Therefore, the golden step was removed in accordance with the Dharma rules. At that time, the disciples were tremendously shocked. They did not expect that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, who only weighs between 100 to 200 pounds, could have lifted a Vajra Pestle of 420 pounds that even a world-class Strong Man whose body weight is more than 300 pounds could not lift, surpassing more than 50 levels. The manifestation of such holy physique and holy physical strength is truly an extraordinary feat that stuns the world!

        Although the Hall Guarding Vajra Pestle was lifted off the golden step, there was still another 280-pound Exam Pestle laying on another golden step on the floor. This pestle also had to be lifted off the golden step before the Exam could go forward. In fact, everyone knew that no one on site could lift this pestle with one hand off the golden step. Even the Strong Man Champion of Asia Lu Xiao could only lift the weight of 226 pounds during the prior December at his maximum limit. Today, all the strong men on site enthusiastically came forward to lift this Vajra Pestle. Among these people were some who could lift 700-800 pounds with two hands when they normally contested in weightlifting competitions. However, they could not even lift 280 pounds with one hand today. In the end, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III still had to lift this pestle off the golden step with one hand. The Dharma Assembly of the Exam was finally able to proceed.

        This unexpected incident that happened before the exam has brought a mysterious and surprisingly joyful discovery. It turned out that the returning from old age to youthfulness achieved by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was not limited to the physical appearance. The inner physique of His Holiness the Buddha is same as that and in fact is very many times more youthful than that of young people.

        Kaichu Jiaozun of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters, a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, said, “I dare say for certain here, except for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III who has such holy power, not any Dharma king, great rinpoche or Dharma master in this world can even imagine lifting the Hall Blocking Vajra Pestle one bit!” Kaichu Jiaozun has never practiced any kind of exercises or strength training to improve physical well-being or learned any martial arts. He is simply a scholarly person who cultivates his conduct, practices meditation and Dharma. This elderly Holy Guru is only two years from being 90 years old, and His body weight is less than 190 pounds. Three of His fingers were deformed due to an old injury with bone fractures. Yet surprisingly, He used this handicapped hand to successfully lift an Elementary Level Holy Person Pestle onto the Platform according to the Dharma rules, surpassing 16 levels proving that a holy person who has attained a high level of realization does possess supramundane physique and Physical strength. Ten years ago, this elderly Holy Guru publicly demonstrated His inner power from practicing Corpse-laying Pose Tummo Concentration Dharma transmitted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. His abdomen emits heat that reached 92 degrees Celsius (198 degrees Fahrenheit) and an egg that was placed on His abdomen was cooked. Surprisingly, at the age of 88 now, he was even able to lift the Vajra Pestle with one hand and surpassed the performance of the strongest man in Asia Lu Xiao by 14 levels. Can this be done by a human being? It can only be said that this is a god!

        People attending the Dharma Assembly unanimously recognized that Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform is the most direct and explicit testing mechanism to verify the difference between true and false Buddha Dharma, or true and false holy ones. It can be clearly seen who is an ordinary person and who is a holy one simply by means of Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform. What is most incomprehensible is why the physique and strength of professional strong men, who do strength training every day, could not be compared to that of someone who does none of that strength training but only cultivates his conduct and practices meditation?

        For example, Lu Xiao represented China in the World’s Strongest Man Competition in Malaysia and won the Asia Championship in November 2014. In 2017. He pulled a 184-ton train forward for 20 meters at the Chinese New Year Gala broadcast on the Liaoning Television Station. On December 27, 2019, at the age of 36 and with the body weight of 350 pounds, he performed Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform in Shenyang, China and successfully surpassed his standard by two levels. Yet an elderly, eminent Buddhist, who is almost 90 years old and with the body weight of 180 to 190 pounds, was able to surpass Lu Xiao by 14 levels! The manifestation by his Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, is even more inconceivable. Except for one with the innate nature of a Buddha, who could have achieved that? Believe it or not, the fact is right there. No tricks could be used. That was a direct lift of an actual weight. Other than marveling at and recognizing the profundity of Dharma power of His Holiness the Buddha, what else can we say? Through this event, the fulcrum supporting all that ambiguous, mystical, and empty talks throughout the history of Buddhism is finally broken. The truth has been revealed through the real fact!

Written by Younian, Sr. Journalist
Photos taken by Huijun, Sr. Journalist
Witnessed at the site by Cai Xiaowei, Attorney of Law

(The report in Chinese is published at:


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